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当前位置: 法制资讯>行政复议>行政复议前置>
时间:2010-05-19 17:52 来源: 点击:


  关键词:行政复议前置 存在价值 质疑

  The leading system in the administrative reconsideration - is there a need for it to exist

  Abstract:As a kind of remedy for administrative dispute, the current leading system in the administrative reconsideration has become a necessary procedure in some special administrative cases, to a point where there is a tendency for it to form a tripartite equilibrium with administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation.But the existence of the leading system of the administrative reconsideration really makes persons query. Which kind of position our country should put this system on is exactly what we are expected through probing into its necessity of the inherent value. Meanwhile, this thesis also did some designs to the complete measure of the administrative assistance. Finally we hope to protect the citizen's vital interests well.

  Key words: the leading system in the administrative reconsideration existent value oppugn






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