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时间:2010-05-18 14:33 来源: 点击:


  【英文摘要】Abstract: The logic premise of existence of “prior validity of real right ”is the existence of “conflict of right”, and the key to judge whether the “conflict of right ”existing is the correct understanding of the object of right and the powers and functions of right . The object of real right is tangible substance. Coexisting in a tangible substance ,the object of each different real right is identical, but this time the powers and functions of each real right (content) certainly not to be actually the same;the object of the creditor right is performance ,when the performance is payment ,the powers and functions of right is requesting the debtor to pay special property ,simultaneously ,the validity of the creditor right has attached to the subject-matter of debt .“Correctly understanding the thesis can find that ”prior validity of real right “only means real right prior to the creditor right,but not including prior validity between real right.


  【英文关键词】conflict of right ;prior of validity ;object of right; powers and functions of right



  物权优先效力是个热点问题。在民法理论界,关于物权效力的“二效力说”、“三效力说”、 “四效力说”都承认物权具有优先效力。[1]不过,近年来也有学者彻底否定物权具有优先效力[2](pp87-89)[3] (pp293-298)。在坚持物权具有优先效力的学者中,对于物权的优先效力所包含的内容,概括来讲也存在以下三种不同理解:(1)优先权是指物权优于债权的效力,仅限于物权优于债权。[4](p10)(2)物权优先权仅限于物权之间的优先效力。[5](p25)(3)通说认为物权优先效力不仅指物权优先于债权,也兼指物权之间的优先。[6][7][8](pp32-36)[9](p52)于我国大陆学界而言,对于物权优先效力的分歧主要集中于“一元说”和“二元说”之争,即物权优先效力是仅包含“物权优于债权”还是还包括“物权之间的优先效力”。[3] (pp293-298)对此,我国的两个物权法草案学者建议稿对物权优先效力所采的不同态度也能充分说明这一点。[1]无论是近年来学者们对物权优先效力否定性观点的提出,还是承认物权具有优先效力的学者间对物权优先效力的内容的不同认识,都表明理论界对物权优先效力的认识分歧很大,仍有必要对“物权优先效力”这一命题进行深入的探讨。

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