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当前位置: 法制资讯>海事海商>海难救助合同>
时间:2010-05-19 14:04 来源: 点击:

  [ ] (签署地)


  (地址:电话:传真:电传:邮政编码: )的[ ] 号船舶(船旗国: 船籍港: 的船长或船舶所有人)[ ] 代表船上货物、运费、燃料、物料和其他财产的所有人(下称“被救助方”)同[ ](救助方名称)(地址: 电话: 传真: 电传: 邮政编码:)的代表[ ]签订本合同。

  [ ] (dated)

  [ ](place of signature)

  It is hereby agreed between [ ](name of Master or Owner) of the m.v. [ ] (name of the vessel being salved) (flag: port of registry:) owned by (address: tel: fax: telex: postal code:)

  For and on behalf the m.v. [ ], her cargo, freight, bunkers, stores and any other property thereon (hereinafter called “the salved party”) and the representative of the salvor [ ] (address: tel: fax: telex: postal code:) that:

  第一条 救助方应以应有的谨慎救助[ ]号船舶及/或船上货物、运费、燃料、物料和其他财产,并将它们送到[ ]或以后商定的其他地点,如果没有上述约定或商定地点,可送往任一安全地点。

  1. The salvor shall exercise due care to salve the m.v. [ ] and/or her cargo, freight, bunkers, stores and any other property thereon and take them to [ ] or such other place as may hereafter be agreed, or if no such place is named or agreed, to any other place of safety.


  When the vessel and/or other property salved have been brought to the place named in the preceding Paragraph, the salved party shall promptly accept redelivery when reasonably requested by the salvor to do so. If the salved party failed to do so, they shall be responsible for the result to which the salvor has no fault.

  第二条 被救助方应与救助方通力合作,包括获得准许进入合同第一条规定的地点;免费提供救助方合理使用船上的机器、装置、设备、锚、锚链、物料和其他属具,但救助方不应无故损坏、抛弃或牺牲上述物件或其他被救财产。

  2. The party salved shall cooperate fully with the salvor including obtaining permit of entry to the place as defined in Clause 1 of this Contract and allowing the salvor to make reasonable use, free of expenses, of the vessel’s machinery, gear, equipment, anchor and anchor chains, stores and other appurtenances provided that the salvor shall not unnecessarily damage, abandon or sacrifice the same or any other property salved.

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